Expected delivery date

When can I expect delivery of my order? You can expect your order to be delivered to their destination within 5-10 business days from the ship date.
  • Most items leave our warehouse within three business days after you place your order.
  • As soon as an order ships, we e-mail you shipping details, including a tracking number.
  • If you check your order status before receiving that e-mail, you will see that the order is "In Progress".
  • Items being delivered to Alaska and Hawaii may take 2-3 weeks from the ship date to complete delivery.
  • Items shipped to APO/FPO destinations will be delivered to the APO/FPO address within 5-10 business days. Final delivery of those items will be subject to the terms and conditions of APO/FPO services.
If you have been waiting over fifteen business days (three weeks) for your order, and have still not received it, please review our information for Orders Never Received.